Find A Telehealth Provider
Lifespan Behavioral Health Service is working on a reduced work force due to COVID-19. We are highly encouraging all our clients for their safety, the safety of their loved ones and the safety of our staff and clinicians at Lifespan Behavioral Health Service to use Telehealth and do not come into our offices. We are currently using as our telehealth provider.
If you know your provider’s name, please use the search bar below to find your provider. If you want to browse our providers, please use the provider grid below to find a provider.
We encourage you to go to your provider’s profile to learn more about each provider’s specialty. You will see both their email to contact them with any concerns related to any facet of your clinical care. You will also see your provider’s link for All you have to do is click the link when you have your scheduled appointment and wait in your provider’s waiting room until they are ready to see you.