What is Telehealth? How does it work?
Lifespan Behavioral Health Services is working on a reduced work force due to COVID-19. We are highly encouraging all our clients for their safety, the safety of their loved ones and the safety of our staff and clinicians at Lifespan Behavioral Health Service to use Telehealth and do not come into our offices. We are currently using doxy.me as our telehealth provider.
Telehealth is the use of telecommunications technology to provide real-time health care to patients at a distance.
How is telehealth delivered?
At Lifespan Behavioral Health Services, telehealth can be delivered using video conferencing, audio communication, and/or text messaging using mobile phones, tablets, and desktop computers.
Telehealth is just like being in the office. There will be a wait if your provider is running a bit late so do not disconnect. Sometimes there are connectivity issues or clients in distress and it’s also possible that your provider is working from home during this COVID-19 Crisis and also balancing their own personal circumstances so they can provide you with the continued exceptional care you have been accustomed to receiving at LSBH.
Who participates in telehealth?
Healthcare professionals can use telehealth to see patients or to consult with other care providers.
What can telehealth be used for?
Telehealth has many applications in healthcare, including standard clinical care, counseling or therapy, patient education, professional consultant or supervision, etc.
Where can telehealth be provided?
Telehealth can be provided to a patient at home or at work, or at another clinic or hospital. With mobile devices, the patient or the provider can be anywhere with access to the internet.
When do I pay for telehealth?
You must pay your balances and co-pays prior to your appointment. Your provider will tell you the amount you owe once they connect to you.
What browser must I use to pay for telehealth?
You must use Google Chrome to pay for telehealth. No other browser will allow information to be entered completely.
What if I have billing questions?
If you have billing questions we ask that you pay what is being asked of you by your provider to not delay your treatment or the treatment of those behind you. After your session, please call IOU Billing at 1-800-819-7570 and press option #1, #2, #3 or #4 and they will help you with your bill. If you are due a refund and/or credit they will issue you one immediately. We ask that you do not ask your provider for explanations regarding your balances as they will not know.
For more information on telehealth, we encourage you to visit doxy.me.